I bought they palette absolutely ages ago, it was one I was after for a long time as well and it was never in store.
So with the Dusk til Dawn you are able to use it for both day time and night time looks, the single thing that drew me to this palette is that teal, that one shade really stands out. Top row are the neutral day shades, and the bottom ones would create the night look.
Top layer, without flash and with flash, using the flash really shows how metallic they are. I really like the gold shades, very pigmented as with all MUA eyeshadows and lasts all day when using the MUA eye primer.
The bottom row, just how amazing is that teal, this row has actual pieces of glitter unlike the shimmer to the top, but you could create a bright or smokey eye, I also love the dark blue and purple.
MUA eyeshadow palettes retail at only £4. Great price, great quality I have 6 now. You can purchase them from Superdrug and the MUA store
The bottom row, just how amazing is that teal, this row has actual pieces of glitter unlike the shimmer to the top, but you could create a bright or smokey eye, I also love the dark blue and purple.
MUA eyeshadow palettes retail at only £4. Great price, great quality I have 6 now. You can purchase them from Superdrug and the MUA store
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