Sunday 30 June 2013

Blogging Tag

I just got tagged in a post over on Mad Hatters Nail Party, I haven't done a post like this before, so I hope you find it interesting, I haven't really been blogging long but I  will try my best! 

1) Why did you start blogging?

At first I started following a few nail polish blogs, two specifically that I found on Barry M page, they were my first obsession. Then I started thinking maybe I could make one because I was buying nail polish all the time, and I just went for it! Then I felt too restricted having it just about nail polish, its mostly what I talk about but I like leaving it open to be able to talk about anything I want, if I feel like it.

2) Whats the story behind the name of your blog?
Oh there is no story! I don't like the name at all but its the 3rd one! I started with Lily Rose Nail Blog, which is my daughters name, then I changed it to Over The Rainbow, and I liked that but the name had nails in it, and I wanted to get away from it, so I have been very unimaginative, I think I like to try and be recognised more for my username of Zoe Yvonne.

3) Do you stick to a scheduled with your posts or do you post when you feel inspired ?
I just post when I feel like it, with having nice weather (ish!) recently I have been busy to be regular, I have lots of stuff I could write about but just lacking motivation right now. I have only scheduled one post, but I am not sure if I like that, because I like to make a tweet once it goes up, to try and get it out there.

4)What do you like most about blogging?Unfortunately I like finding out about new products! Since I started blogging I have bought more make up, and got into using it more than I ever have. Never wore blusher, and certainly never wore lipstick but now I have a nice little collection.

I like talking to people too, I haven't met anyone who I talk to all the time, but I had the odd conversation sometimes, and its a start, I get very bored once my little girl goes to bed so anyone to talk to at all is nice.

so not really knowing anyone I don't have anyone to tag! But please feel free to answer the questions and post the link in my comments! 

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