Monday 15 April 2013

E45 Nourish & Restore Review

Just over a month ago I joined a website called BzzAgent. You answer surveys and (hopefully!) get invited to take part campaigns, where you get sent a product to test out, then you need to spread the word, review it, give out samples and vouchers and just try to get it talked about. 

My very first campaign is E45 lotion. Nourish & Restore is enriched with vitamin B3 and is supposed to restore skin suppleness in 3 weeks, it is recommended for normal to dry skin. This winter has been quite harsh on my skin, I don't have extremely visibly dry skin, but it isn't very soft and my face is quite dry so I was happy to get this is as my first campaign.

Complete apologies for the pictures of my legs in this blog! 

The lotion feels nice and light, it absorbs into the skin quickly so I'm not sat there for ages waiting to be able to get dressed after I've put it on! It doesn't really have a scent, I don't mind but I do like things that smell nice.

Ok apologies! This is my leg before I used it, my knee looks quite dry but not extremely so, none of my leg feels soft at all! 

This is after one use! Noticeably softer, knee doesn't look awful any more and the colour has evened out, even if I am still extremely pale!

I have been using E45 for a week now and my legs, for the first time ever, actually feel nice, I'm so glad I was invited to take part in this trial.

Has anyone else used this product or any of the other E45 moisturisers? What do you think?

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