Wednesday 29 May 2013

30 Day Squat Challenge

Got sent this link on Facebook:

Having a look it seems like fun, until you get to day 30 and 250! So I thought I would give it a go, and to keep myself more motivated, I will blog about it, not every day, just once a week, see if its making any difference! and if it isn't you wont hear from me until it does.

I have always had large child bearing hips and thighs, and the strength will help with me pole, so is anyone else up to the challenge? I just did my 50 so I have already started but would like to see if anyone else can benefit from it.

My starting hips:    38 inches 
My starting thighs: 20 inches

I don't know if I will lose any or just tone up, either way it could be fun. 

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