Tuesday 21 May 2013

MUA Lipstick: Shade 2 and Shade 13

A quick review of my latest MUA lipsticks.

Been looking at Shade 2 in the shops for a while, but sometimes just can't tell if its going to look ok without seeing it on someones face, I saw review on another blog and decided that it was a good colour for me.
I wanted to buy Shade 13, after a need for a bright red after watching too many Marilyn Monroe documentaries. Just got to make sure I don't go dying my hair blonde again..

Shade 2 on the left. Shade 13 on the right
Shade 2 looks quite dark but it doesn't look as much on. Its a nice mix of purple and pink, in my opinion and has a little shimmer to it. I wore it all day today, reapplied a few times after eating, but it lasted really well. For £1 each they are really good quality.
Shade 13 is a very bright red, I haven't worn this one yet I only bought it today, but when I swatched it on my arm, and had a bath, there is still a bit of red left! Very pigmented and feels so nice on, doesn't dry out the lips, and all MUA lipsticks smell of vanilla, its very nice.

Shade 2

Shade 13
All MUA lipsticks come with a little pot at the end, that removes, I am not sure what to do with it yet, my finger won't fit! I am thinking it is to use with a lip brush?

 All MUA lipsticks retail at £1. Which is incredible value for what you get. They moisturise, they smell nice, they can last a few hours. You can purchase them at superdrug and MUA Store online.

Can you recommend which one I should get next?

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