Sunday 19 May 2013

Right Guard Xtreme Invisible Deodorant

I know the most normal thing to review, but as part of BzzAgent I get sent it free to try out!
Not too bad! You get a bzzkit which includes 2 cans of deodorant, a black card to do a white mark test and some vouchers for £1 off to give to friends.

So thats the kit. My job now is to try it out, talk about it with friends, write up reviews, take photos (if possible) tweet it and facebook it.

Here is what Right Guard says about it:


Right Guard’s Xtreme Invisible anti-perspirant deodorant is formulated to guard against the three most common types of underarm stains:
  1. Yellow Stains that are caused by the oxidation of anti-perspirant deodorants over time
  2. Oily Stains that are caused by anti-perspirant deodorants with oil-based covering agents found in powder formulas
  3. White Marks that are caused by powder-based anti-perspirant deodorants which build up over time, reacting with sweat and detergent to leave permanent marks that can even harden
Now I don't use deodorant that much, not in a disgusting way, I don't smell, but you read about things and get worried, I do worry about parbens and their link to cancer, but it doesn't hurt to try it out. I have never experience yellow or oily stains on my clothes personally. but I can 100% say that it does not leave white marks. When I went to my pole class the other day I used it, I was wearing black, I had to go on a sweaty bus, then do a bit of a workout. It does its job well!

The results from the white card test. The right guard was still a little wet when I took the photo but you can clearly see no white marks. My old one on the other hand! I could just tell it wouldn't pass because when I used to spray it I could choke on it, I could taste the powder. It does say will last 72 hours on the can but I am not too keen on trying that out, lasting a full day is good enough for me.

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