Friday 10 May 2013

Maybelline Color Show Polka Dot: Rain Forest Canopy Swatch and Review

After my trip to superdrug the other day and discovering the polka dot polish, my review of the pink and be can be seen here, I knew I would have to go back and keep checking until the green one was available, and just my luck it was! While the other colours had sold out.
There is a black and white but it looks the double of L'oreal Confetti, which I already have, and is a bit of a shame because these are nice and affordable.

I think Rain Forest Canopy is possibly my most favourite name for a nail polish so far, and I have seen many! 

I love this. I love this colour so much! The same formula as the others, its a coloured base with large, medium and small glitter pieces in black and white. I think these work really well layered over another colour. Above I have used 2 coats of Rain Forest Canopy on the top 2 nails, then on the bottom 2 I have used 1 coat of Barry M Gelly Watermelon and 1 coat of Rain Forest Canopy. I love how well they work together. To get coverage of all the 'polka dots' I did have to dab and push.

I can't even express how much I love it. I hope they bring out more colours, I will definitely buy them! 

Maybelline Color Show is available from Boots and Superdrug at the brilliant price of £2.99

Have you got any of the Polka Dots?

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