Monday 13 May 2013

Superdrug Vitamin E: Eye Make Up Remover & Face Scrub

I wasn't going to do a post today, but I went to superdrug looking for an eye make up remover and something for the pores on my nose, I have always had problems with them. 

They have a few deals on and at the moment and the Vitamin E range is 2 for £4, I have been walking past and looking at them for weeks, I don't know why I am so drawn to them, I think I like the packaging, so while the deal was on and it included 2 things I wanted, why not! The product says it is:

  • Rich in natural vitamin E.
  • High in antioxidants
  • Defends the skin against environmental damage
  • For normal to dry skin

  • The make up remover doesn't really have a scent, I just used a bit on a cotton wool pad and it took my make up off easily. I wasn't wearing mascara so I can't comment on how well it would take that off. The remover retails at £2.99, a great price and I would pay full price once it runs out

    The face scrub has a really nice scent but I can't describe it! It has oat pieces and something else coarser in there. I won't be using it on all my face, I used to use a scrub but over winter I got a mild case of rosacea so I don't like to put anything rough on my cheeks. Just going to use it on my nose and maybe forehead. I can't say much after one use as to how effective it is but it left my skin feeling soft. The face scrub also retails at £2.99

    I am quite impressed with these, so I will be going back on Wednesday to pick up a moisturiser and cleanser to use when my Simple ones run out, while it is 2 for £4 I might as well. Looking up the benefits of vitamin E I am definitely interested in trying out what I can and see if they work, maybe we will have a summer, maybe not, but next winter perhaps my face won't get so damaged.

    Have you used any of the vitamin E range?

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