Tuesday 14 May 2013

MUA Eyeshadow Palette Poptastic

A little bit later than I planned, got caught up in one of the best episodes of Emmerdale I have seen in a while. Love Cain. Anyway..

Went to superdrug today and the MUA stand looked like it had been restocked, this Poptastic palette was on my list of the ones I needed to buy, I love all the bright colours. Also bought 2 nail polishes but they will be up tomorrow.

 This really stood out for me because I love bright colours. I belong in the 80s. I was only born in 1988, I missed all the good years! I can't wait to try it out. My favourite is that purple, 4th along, it has a blue shimmer to it! This palette is a mix of matt and shimmery shadows.

This is the top row, it doesn't look too bright, but it will stand out more when I use my MUA primer, and I think I used a bit of a rubbish brush, also good if you were worried it would be too bright, it doesn't have to be. The first picture is without flash and the second is with.

This is the second row. I love the pink and the blue at the very end, very excited to try this out, I will be going all out with the colour, why not! The first picture is without a flash, the second has a flash.

I think its a great mix of colours, I have never used yellow but I might give it a go if I can find a darker colour to line with.

All MUA palettes retail at £4. For 12 shades thats such good value. At the moment it is 3 for 2 in superdrug and on the MUA Store online.

 Are you brave enough to go this bright?

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